
Weekends Away

Mt. Sugarloaf  Andrew Liew

Mt. Sugarloaf Andrew Liew

Mid-week outings

The club arranges two weekends away a year so interested members can participate in a whole weekend dedicated to photography with like-minded club members.  They are a great opportunity to get to know other members.  These weekends are generally in March and November. 

Good photography requires both opportunity and inspiration; our mid-week outings aim to provide these.

The Club offers regular mid-week outings which have a photographic theme.  The outings have a relaxed atmosphere and take the form of either a visit to an interesting area, or to a photographic exhibition. The destinations of most outings are relatively close to Melbourne. Where an important exhibition is in a regional centre however, we will travel by regional rail. We usually start with a cup of coffee and conclude with a light meal.

These outings are organised in association with Melbourne Camera Club. This Club organises one outing each month while Camberwell Camera Club organises another. This means that members of each club are able to enjoy two outings per month – one on the first Tuesday, and the other on the third Tuesday of the month.  Where there is an advantage to be had, a different day is selected.

These excursions provide a wonderful opportunity to converse with experienced photographers in a relaxed atmosphere. Members of both Clubs are most welcome.

10 Minute Break Lars Berglie

10 Minute Break Lars Berglie